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Sterling silver 'Owamya' cufflinks.


Owamya in the BC means 'How are you?' 


Yo blokes will look propa bostin with these on! Yow can even wear em down the cut or if yowm out for fittle!


Owamya ar' kid? Yow look a bit mythered, but did yow know that we med the anchor for The Titanic ship ere? Took 20 shire oss's to pul it through Netherton...thats why Netherton's got an anchor for emblem.


Transalation: How are you brother/sister/younger friend/younger person? You look a bit worried, but did you know that the Titanic anchor was made here? It took 20 shire horses to pull it through Netherton...Netherton has an anchor as its emblem. 

Owamya Silver Cufflinks

SKU: OwamyaSCff
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